Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Art of Fighting
Author unknown
Publication date: 2075
Previous publication: Unknown- antiquity or earlier
Origin- unknown
This book is a nonreligious text in accordance with government ordinance 3123.b and is classified as an historical text.
Not to be used for instructional purposes.


1. Better to die being what you are than loose the battle from within.

2. With time there are always possibilities so never throw it away or rush to battle when time is open.

3. Procrastination is a choice.

4. Never let an angry enemy tackle you. You have two enemies-him and his anger.

5. Determine your outcome then your enemy’s.

6. Accept the consequences- better to know them before hand.

7. It is better to strike first when your enemy has already decided to do so but be prepared for accusations.

8. When declaring formal war, plan, then think about your plan, then reason about it, then imagine it until you are sure you have fought the battle ten times.

9. A quick retreat often saves a miserable defeat.

10. When gaining a slight advantage over a superior force, quickness was your best ally.

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13. Only a fool gambles all his strength in a single attack unless he is in that moment going to die.